On The Level!
Occational news from AJ 2022
As the dust settles on a fantastic AJ 2019 at Tailem Bend, planning is gearing up for AJ 2022.
This will be a Jamboree for Scouts Australia’s new program, and heavily led by youth.
Excting times!
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www.aj2022.com.au so you can be the first to get the latest news on program, the site, merchandise, and much more!
Where Is AJ 2022?
Scouts Victoria – the host State for AJ 2022 – began the quest for the best possible Jamboree site more than 12 months ago, with a tender document sent to all local Government authorities. Many were interested, and attended an AJ briefing. Gradually the numbers thinned out, and discussions have continued with various venues and the State Government.
And, now it can be revealed, that we’re going to the Elmore Field Day site in Campaspe Shire in northern Victoria. Yes, after a lengthy selection process, the best site for AJ 2022 is back at Elmore, the home of AJ 2007.
Elmore is currently green and lush. In January 2007 Victoria was in the midst of a major drought.
Who knows what we will face in 2.5 years?
Like 2007, we already have sourced adequate water (although Elmore in 2007 was one of the few parts of Victoria that weren’t on stage three water restrictions). The site also has improved infrastructure.
Best of all, we know this site well, and can use our previous experience to make it even more comfortable than at AJ 2007.
This is going to be a great Jamboree!
Elmore is also central to a heap of nearby locations for adventurous activity.
Victorian Scouts will be pleased to visit areas that are new to most of them, as opposed to a day in the CBD.
Despite all this, Elmore will have its challenges. It’s a Jamboree! That’s how we develop our skills and resilience. But we’ll conquer any challenges. Because we’re Scouts.
Of course, every AJ has its challenges but we’re confident that Elmore will be:
- flatter than Woodhouse, SA (AJ 2004)
- cooler than Maryborough, Qld (AJ 2013)
- drier than Cataract Park, NSW (AJ 2016)
- less dusty than Tailem Bend, SA (AJ 2019)
Who’s leading the charge?
The bulk of the early AJ 2022 team is Victorian, but, like AJ 2019, we’re delighted to have talent from other States in several key roles.
The Jamboree Council is:
Joan Dillon, Chief Director – Joan is Victoria’s former State Commissioner for Scouts, and Contingent Leader to AJ 2016 and AJ 2019. She’s a teacher.
Russell Bradd, Deputy Chief Director – Russell’s main Scouting role is managing the Gilwell Park campsite. He was Support Services Director at AJ 2007, responsible for Administration, Risk, Catering, Supply, Legal, Leaders Club, Emergency Services and Merchandise.
Kieron Younger, Assistant Chief Director – Kieron is a Rover, and Assistant Cub Scout Leader, and organises a number of State initiatives including the annual blood donor drive.
Nikki Coffey, Admin Services Director
Carol Kemp, Finance Director
Peter Duckworth, Operations Director
Jon Franklin, Program Director
Dan Voet, Support Services Director
A full list of roles is available at
Designed by youth, supported by adults
Youth involvement in planning AJ 2022 will be a key to its success.
Scouts are already active in a number of areas – like marketing: the slogan, the logo, the new video series – as members of “The Jamboree Troop”.
The Jamboree Troop is made up of Patrols of young people who will plan and work in all areas of the Jamboree.
Here are some of the areas where youth will help shape AJ 2022:
Program Admin
Onsite activities
Off-site activities
Admin Services
Jamboree Admin
Emergency and Security
Child Safety
Site Services
Logistics and Supply
Support Services
Health and Well-being
Marketing and Communications
Assistant Chief Director Kieron Younger, a Rover Scout and Assistant Cub Scout Leader, is supporting these youth members whose work began nearly a year ago.
Mutant Camels do AJ 2022
”Mutant Camels do AJ 2022” is an eight-part comedy series on the ups and downs of a Patrol preparing for AJ2022.
Episode one was released on August 15. Further episodes will be released every six weeks until June 30 2020. The next episode is due on September 30.
You can watch each episode as it’s released, or download them all from the AJ 2022 website and binge-watch at a Pack Holiday or Troop camp.
The original idea came from youth members who volunteered to help with marketing AJ 2022.
Thirteen Scouts then volunteered to attend a writing workshop to develop the series.
First they analysed all Jamboree PR for the past 15 years, and the messages of previous marketing.
They then listed their primary messages, and the audiences they needed to reach.
These include Scouts, future Scouts, Venturers and Rovers, Leaders of all types, parents, and sponsors.
The 13 young writers then developed the overall themes of the series, the characters, the individual character arcs, the jokes and the dialogue.
The six young cast, members of Australia’s 24 Scout shows, have also contributed ideas.
The first two episodes have now been recorded, and they are working on episodes three to eight.
You can watch the first episode on Facebook, YouTube or on our website
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