
One Million Stars to End Violence; Star making workshop.

Tue, 8 Nov 2016
from 6:30pm to 8:30pm

by Sylvia Kuehn-Sauppe
Posted: over 8 years ago
Updated: over 8 years ago by Sylvia Sauppe
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: None
Ends: 08:30pm (duration is about 2 hours)

Yinnar Scout Troop is inviting Scouts, Venturers, Rovers Leaders and Parents.
RSPV by Friday the 4th November that we can organize materials.
Cost $2 to cover the ribbon.
For scout members, we will register this Event as messenger of peace project.
All welcome to come and have go at making stars from ribbon which will be used at the Commonweatlh Games on the Gold Coast. Enjoy a chat and cuppa at the same times.

One Million Stars to End Violence is a love and peace filled community project. These beautiful stars are symbols of light, courage and solidarity to end all forms of violence, including violence against women, bullying and racism.

The Million Stars project is an opportunity for us to be light and hope in the world and to make something beautiful and powerful together. We know that domestic violence, violence on our streets, racism and harrassment is happening RIGHT NOW and often it is difficult to know what to do to help those who are suffering and to help prevent it.

The Million Stars project is an opportunity to remind each other that we CAN do something about it and not feel paralysed by all that is broken with humanity.

The short term goal is to weave one million stars and to display at the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast in 2018 in Queensland, in partnership with the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018) arts and cultural program. The long term goal is be light and courage for each other and not act violently with our words and actions, but with passion and generosity.
Every woven star reminds us that we have to MAKE peace and safe spaces and that it doesn’t just happen. Every star is a commitment to resist violence and revenge, to believe in forgiveness and healing.

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